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The Palmerston North Christadelphians are one of many locally-organised groups (known as 'ecclesias'), making up a world-wide fellowship. We see ourselves as a global family, brothers and sisters in Christ. There are ecclesias throughout New Zealand, and though each ecclesia operates independently, we often meet together to enjoy fellowship with our wider spiritual family.

We believe that the Bible is God�s inspired message to us. It tells us what his ultimate purpose is � to fill the earth with His glory � and how we should live our lives to prepare for that time. We read and study the Bible regularly, and try to put its lessons into action. We strive to follow the beliefs and practices of the first century Christians.

We believe that God will soon set up his kingdom on earth, in fulfillment of the promises He made in the Bible to people like Abraham and David. We can be heirs to those promises through Jesus Christ.

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:26-29