Regular Activities
Memorial Meeting Every Sunday Morning at 11am
This is our weekly meeting to get together and worship God, remembering the sacrifice of his Son
Christ Jesus, in a like manner to the early Christians.
Sunday School Most Sunday Mornings at 9.30am
Our Sunday School has lessons and activities for children with a focus on teaching them more about God and what the Bible teaches us.
Christadelphian Youth Circle (CYC) Most Sunday Mornings at 9.30am
Our CYC is a youth group which has Bible studies most Sunday mornings, particulary focusing on topics which
are most relevant to our youth today.
Bible Class Thursday Evenings at 7.45pm
We meet most Thursday evenings at member's homes for Bible studies. For more information please refer to our
Contact Us page.
Except for Bible Class all regular activities are held at:
Square Edge Community Building, 47 The Square, Workshop Space
Palmerston North.
Bible Seminars
Seminars on Bible topics are held periodically at various locations as advertised.